I love that you have quotes written on your easel!!! I never thought about writing on mine. Can I ask, what is the big board you have on the easel behind the paintings displayed on it and has the binder clips on it? I also love your space where you create.

I can leave my work out, if I chose to. I would really love to have my art table by the window, but my cats won't abide by my boundaries lol. Then if I moved it too, then I couldn't use the under the shelf light I use to illuminate my work space. And I have yet to find a place in my space that I am happy with where my easel is.

I love the analogy of the Dandelion!

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Hi, Lisa,

Thank you. It's a large drawing board clamped to the easel. Since I primarily work small and in book form, I needed something to support my substrates. Drawing board with heavy clamps to the rescue. I'll try do a video and share the set-up of the easel asap.

Ah, our little furry friends who like to "help." 🐾 Though my pup is, thankfully, more interested in belly rubs than walking over my work (or drinking paint water.) I originally had the easel pointed in another angle. My current set-up gives me more space and also I don't blind my husband with a light when I film my live sessions. I'll share more of the set-up soon and if you have any questions, please ask. ❤️🎨

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